Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More testing

Ok so i know it has been almost a week since my last post. I have so much to say but am going to try to keep it short.

Last Thursday I saw the oncologist for the first time. He told me that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. After that again i had mush brain. My husband and mother in law were with me. This oncologist was so great he actually took notes for me. We did decide that chemo-surgery-radiation was the route for me. Even as I am typing this it still doesn't seem real. Like I am just in a bad dream or something.

He told me that I still had more testing to do that they couldn't officially stage me yet but it was looking like a 2 1/2 so far-whatever that is. Didn't know there were half stages in cancer. Anyway. I did more bloodwork and went home to make some more phone calls about that day.

Fast forward to more testing-Monday I had a MUGA of my heart. That is where they go in and take blood out(about a vile) and put this radioactive junk in and then wait 25 min and put it back in. Then take pics of my heart beating. Wierd huh. Then I get a call from the oncologists office saying they want me back over there that afternoon for more bloodwork and an ekg.

When I get over there the nurse kinda looks at me crazy and said "am I really doing a pregnancy test on you" I was like "what?!" ok I find two things wrong with this-first of all I had a tubal 4 years ago second they pumped me full of radioactive junk THEN want to do a preg test. So find out it was for the clinical study that I am doing-just some technical stuff.

In the midst of all this I have been going to the dentist also. They want to make sure you don't have any infection in your mouth before starting chemo because your immune system is down and even a small infection in your mouth can make you sick.
So I have 2 cavities(first 2 ever) I also had to have my teeth cleaned and needed a debritment for some buildup on the back of my front bottem teeth. NOT fun-she told me my gums would be sore. I was like whatever it didnt hurt at the time, but oh my are they sore now!!! sheesh. I did have a small infection and am on antibiotics now. I go back again two more times next week.

Tommorow is my PET scan and I go see my surgeon about putting in my port for chemo.
I swear I am just so worn out from all these appointments. Christmas just seems to be flying by this year. I want it to slow down just a bit. Hopefully it will when the kids get out for the break.

I did talk to the nurse to see if they can hold off chemo until the Monday after Christmas and she told me she would ask and didn't see why not.

I'll post more after I have that 2 hour PET scan tomorrow

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